Forum Topics

Resource Adequacy

System operators must ensure that there is enough electricity generation available at all times to serve demand, and that new generation is being built to serve future demand and replace older generation going out of service. In other words, they ensure current and future resource adequacy. Many studies on this topic are summarized in the research library.

With low-carbon variable energy resources projected to make up a significant amount of future generation, approaches to procuring, pricing, and measuring resource adequacy are changing. The set of presentations below explore the issues from the perspectives of an ISO CEO, economists, policymakers and engineers.

Resource Adequacy - Slide 20

Wholesale Markets are Evolving to Support New England’s clean Energy Transition

Resource Adequacy - Slide 16

The Past is Not Prologue: Planning for an Uncertain Future

Resource Adequacy - Slide 16

Capacity Accreditation and ELCC

Resource Adequacy - Slide 9

Economics of Resource Adequacy in a Decarbonized Energy System

Resource Adequacy - Slide 16

Redefining Resource Adequacy

for a New Era

Resource Adequacy - Slide 16

Tail Risk and Strategic Reserves

Forecasting Load Growth

The presentation focuses on understanding and predicting the increase in electricity demand. Accurate load forecasting is both challenging and important for power markets to maintain system efficiency and reliability amidst rising renewable generation. Relevant historical trends include the consistent underestimation of summer peaks by PJM and the implications of these forecasts on system planning and investment.

Are Firm Capacity Retirements Outpacing Replacements?

The presentation explores the reliability and resilience of the electric grid as the generation resource mix shifts away from fuel-based dispatchable resources like coal and natural gas towards intermittent renewable energy sources. The challenges include managing resource adequacy and operational reliability.

Relevant Publications

Capacity Markets at a Crossroads

James Bushnell, Michaela Flagg, and Erin Mansur, October 2016

Electricity Market Design

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 33:4, 589–612, November 2017.  

Capacity Market Fundamentals

Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 2:2, September 2013.  

Wholesale Power Market Design in a Future Low-Carbon Electric System: A Proposal for Consideration

November 28, 2020 Susan F. Tierney, Ph.D.

Technical Information Session: Resource Capacity Contributions to Resource Adequacy

Presentation by Andrew Gillespie and Ben Ewing, ISO New England, August 2021

Crediting Variable Renewable Energy and Energy Storage in Capacity Markets: Effects of Unit Commitment and Storage Operation 

Shen Wang, Ningkun Zheng, Cynthia D. Bothwell, Qingyu Xu, Saamrat Kasina, and Benjamin F. Hobbs, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, July 2021

Resource Adequacy for a Clean Energy Grid: Technical Analysis

Derek Stenclik and Michael Goggin, November 2021


Power Market Structure & Design

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